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5月, the Committee on Climate Change released a seminal report on how the UK could achieve ‘net zero’ greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. One of the key conclusions was that major investment in carbon capture and storage (CCS) infrastructure was ‘a necessity not an option’, 如果英国要实现这一目标.

The adoption of CCS technology is particularly key in those industrial sectors w在这里 full decarbonisation is challenging. 自2018年底以来, Wood has been working 关闭ly with the 石油 and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI) Climate Investments group on a gas power and industrial carbon capture concept design.

This project aims to establish best practice for carbon capture within the UK’s highest emitting industries, demonstrate how challenges for individual emitters may be overcome, 并为每个方案制定可信的成本估算. It could make a major contribution to the UK’s low-carbon future through the roll-out of onshore industrial carbon capture and development of an offshore UK carbon sequestration industry.


Wood has been working with the OGCI Climate Investments to develop the pre-FEED for a new build 750MW gas fired combined cycle power station, 总部设在提赛德. It will be fully integrated with carbon capture of >90% of emissions, capturing 2MTPA of CO2 for offshore sequestration in the North Sea, as the anchor project for the first full-chain CCS project in the UK.

Our techno-economic assessments provided OGCI with a comprehensive assessment of the carbon capture technologies that could deliver >90% emissions reductions on a project of this scale by the mid-2020s, fully supported with independent and comparable cost estimates.

Our pre-FEED deliverables also provided accurate engineering definition to support the project moving to the next phase, 告知同意过程, and deliver implementation schedules and cost estimates to support negotiation of suitable commercial structures with the UK government.

The evaluations also establish clear performance and cost benchmarks against which new technologies can be critically assessed. This should drive investment towards those technologies which can realistically improve on state-of-the-art performance and, 在时间, 进一步降低CCS的成本.

Wood has also developed designs for carbon capture plants for other key industrial emitters in the UK – the production of hydrogen, 石油化工产品, 化肥, 水泥, 钢铁和炼油. Some of these may form the backbone of the first UK CCS industrial cluster near Teesside, contributing a further 1MTPA of CO2 emissions reduction from industries using natural gas feedstocks.

油的重要作用 & 天然气行业

The oil and 天然气行业 has an important role to play in driving down global emissions and achieving the ‘Net Zero’ world set out by the Committee on Climate Change. The large majors are ideally placed to influence the development and operation of a new offshore carbon sequestration industry, 通过他们对大型项目开发的理解, 风险管理和熟悉海上设施.

A significant part of the risk and cost reduction for this new industry will only come through establishing the first full-chain CCS project in the UK. Reducing the cost of CCS technology is important as it will build additional momentum in the industry. Lower developments costs will facilitate wider spread adoption of a technology that is 现在 widely accepted as fundamental to building the low-carbon future that the UK aspires to deliver.

Wood is exhibiting at Offshore Europe 2019 from 3 – 6 September. Visit us at stand 3E40 to experience the Art of the Possible; showcasing our people and broadened capabilities across new markets and industries via interactive artwork. 了解更多 在这里.

United by our common purpose to unlock solutions to the world’s most critical challenges, 我们为未来做好了准备, 现在.